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2024-07-06 00:17:50

Such an independent policy is dealing a heavy blow to those who still view the relationship between the three countries as zero-sum

2024-07-06 00:17:50

At the same time, 78 percent believe the current economic situation is good, and 57 percent are satisfied with the direction of the country, a 21 percentage-point increase from 2014, the last time this question was asked in the Philippines

2024-07-06 00:17:50

"Nowadays all the primary schools in my country have made Chinese-language courses available to students," said Cho, who was believed by some local media to have given the strongest push to the achievement

2024-07-06 00:17:50

"What parties concerned should do now is to strictly and comprehensively implement UN Security Council resolutions and make positive efforts to resolve the issue through dialogue

2024-07-06 00:17:50

"Hopefully when I'm done with my work here, the connection between the two universities will be further strengthened, and through that I will leave a legacy," Reimers said

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